Monday, July 30, 2012

The Jesuits and the Indians of Baja California


Jesuits in Baja California (1683–1767)

Spanish Catholic priests called Jesuits attempted to settle Baja California beginning in 1683. They abandoned their first two attempts due to hostile responses from the natives. In 1697, Jesuits settled their first of 18 permanent missions to convert local natives to Christianity. “Along with religion, the Europeans brought with them diseases that the indigenous peoples had never been exposed to, and consequently had no immunity against. By 1767, epidemics of measles, plague, smallpox, typhus, and venereal diseases had decimated the native population. Out of an initial population of as many as 50,000, only some 5,000 are thought to have survived.” (“Spanish missions in Baja California,”

Jesuit records describe the people, lands, and culture that the Jesuits found in Baja between 1683 and 1767. These records can give us a glimpse into a people who may have been descendants of Book of Mormon people. The religious traditions of the Jesuits and the natives of Baja were similar to and different from those found in the New Testament and Book of Mormon when prophets and apostles were present about 1500 years before.

Pablo L. Martinez used Jesuit records in the early chapters of his book, History of Lower California (HLC). Several entries will refer to parts of this book that relate to the Book of Mormon.


Three Indian Tribes in Baja

The Jesuits found three prehispanic Indian tribes that they called the Cochimíes, Guaycuras, and Pericúes.  However, these were not the names the Indians called themselves. “The word laymón [or laimon] was the name” the Guaycuras or monquis gave to the Cochimíes (HLC 23–24).

We divided into two missions, and soon we noticed that there was a mingling in them of nations of different languages, one, the Monqui … and the other the Laimon. … Immediately we set about … to learn the latter, and because it is the dominating language, and appears to be the general one in this extensive kingdom, with continued study we learned it quickly, and in it we … teach the Christian doctrine to the Laimones, as in the Monqui to the Monquis.” (Herbert Eugene Bolton, Kino’s Historical Memoir of Pimería Alta, 2:50)

Was the name Laimones related to Lamonites?

Below is a map showing the locations of these three tribes (HLC 51).



Petroglyphs in Baja

The Jesuit missionaries found Indians who did not have any written records. They also found evidence of earlier people who were more cultured and skilled.

The prehispanic inhabitants of Lower California lived in a disastrous cultural condition. Certainly as the experts think, when the first men came to the peninsula they brought with them some greater culture, which was gradually lost. … There is not found among them the least notion of writing nor are there even any hieroglyphs in the land; the petroglyphs or paintings on stone that are found around Santiago … and other places do not belong according to the opinion of the learned to the men who inhabited the peninsula at the time the Spaniards arrived: they are attributed to other and very different people about whom we do not have any information except that they left their traces in these [rock] paintings. …

In the Cape Pulmo, on a large rock … there can be seen something which is like an inscription with heavy character among which many persons believe there are Gothic, Hebraic and Chaldean symbols. The natives never were able to explain the origin and significance of the drawings. They limited themselves to saying that they were the work of their ancestors. …

The petroglyphs of San Borjitas … represent distinct human figures …; in them are found as many as nine colors, without including black and white. The technique of the painters reveals great skill and beauty. …

The author of this work has seen … engravings, not paintings, of some figures of animals. The polished stone is in a convex form and on the previously prepared surface there is sculptured with a degree of perfection a deer, a tortoise and a lizard. (HLC 29–30; italics added)

The Mulekites left Jerusalem after Lehi left and lived in the land of Zarahemla which is north of where Lehi landed. Over 300 years later, Mosiah, the father of King Benjamin, found the Mulekites.

17 Their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could [not] understand them. … 20 In the days of Mosiah, there was a large stone brought unto him with engravings on it; and he did interpret the engravings by the gift and power of God. 21 And they gave an account of one Coriantumr, and the slain of his people [the Jaredites]. (Omni 1:17, 20–21; [not] in verse 17 is in the Printer’s Manuscript and the 1830 Book of Mormon)

Without written records, the Mulekite language became corrupted and they no longer believed in their Creator. King Benjamin later told his sons what would have happened if Lehi had not brought the plates of brass to the new world.

Were it not for these things … even our fathers would have dwindled in unbelief, and we should have been like unto our brethren, the Lamanites, who know nothing concerning these things, or even do not believe them when they are taught them, because of the traditions of their fathers, which are not correct. (Mosiah 1:5)

Indian beliefs about God

The Jesuit missionaries asked the three Indian tribes about their religious beliefs. Some Indian beliefs are similar to Christian beliefs while others are similar to LDS beliefs. Some believe the Indian beliefs were influenced by the Jesuits, “but considering the limited intelligence of the [Indians], such a conclusion is impossible to accept” (HLC 57). However, if the Indians were descendants of Book of Mormon people, we would expect some similarities to Old Testament writings found on the brass plates, and to Book of Mormon writings. We would also expect differences that would come after 1500 years without prophets or written records. In the examples below, notice the similarities and differences. (Underlining added, but italics are in original.)

“The Pericú tradition mentioned a great lord who lived in the sky, called Niparaja, who had made the sky, the earth and the sea, and who enjoyed the privilege of going whatever he liked. This great personage had as wife Anajicojondi, who gave him three sons without use of herself, since she lacked a body; one of them Cuajaip, had been a real man and had lived for a long time on the earth … to indoctrinate humanity. One day these people ungratefully rebelled against the one who had granted them innumerable blessings; they killed him and placed on his head a wreath made of thorns. They believed that in the sky there were more people than on earth, and that in that region at a remote period frightful wars had been fought, provoked by another personage called Tuparán by some and Bac by others, against the supreme Niparaja; that the latter had been victor in the end … [and cast Tuparán] from the sky with all his followers.” (HLC 57–58)

“The Guaycuras gave credence to a leading spirit called Guamongo, who sent diseases to earth. They asserted that at a remote period he had sent to the earth one of his [subordinates] called Gujiaqui, to visit there in his stead; it so happened that as he traveled through the Peninsula, sowing pitahayas [= tall cacti or their edible fruit] and establishing fishing localities, at the end of which he hid in Puerto Escondido, where he was served by lesser spirits, who took to him daily exquisite pitahayas and delicious fish to eat, he busied himself making capes for doctors and charlatans; and that he then went back to the north, from whence he had come.” (HLC 58)

The Cochimíes … made reference to a great lord who lived in the sky, called … He who lives; they spoke also of his son, born without the aid of woman. … There was only one [Lord], creator of the sky, earth, plants, man and woman. They agreed that He who lives created certain invisible beings … [who] plotted against him, declaring themselves enemies of man; and that these being were liars and seized men when they died and put them under the earth where they could not see He who lives. … They made mention of a man who in far distant times had come from the sky to benefit mankind …; but they were not able to say what benefits he had brought to man nor did they tender him any worship. … They celebrated a fiesta named for the man who came from the sky, but this … was reduced to the enjoyment of pleasures, eating and dancing. (HLC 59–60)


Cochimí Indian names for God

The Cochimíes … made reference to a great lord who lived in the sky, called in their language He who lives; they spoke also of his son, born without the aid of woman, and who had two names: one of these names signified The Swift One and the other Perfection or the End of Clay; furthermore, there was another personage, He who makes Lords. (HLC 59)

The name “He who lives” is related to scripture phrases: “the living God” (Josh 3:10; Dt 5:26; 2 Ne 31:16) and “the LORD liveth” (1 Sam 14:39; 2 Sam. 22:47; 1 Ne 3:15). The Jesuits like other Catholics believed in a God without body, parts, and passions. However, for Moses and Book of Mormon prophets who saw and talked with God “face to face” (Ex 33:11), “the living God” was in contrast to idol gods “which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell” (Dt 4:28).

The first name of the great lord’s son, “The Swift One” relates the following scriptures.

The LORD … rode upon a cherub, and did fly … upon the wings of the wind (2 Sam 22:7, 11; Ps 19:10). The LORD rideth upon a swift cloud (Isa 19:1). [Jesus] was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight (Acts 1:9). Jesus Christ … cometh with clouds (Rev 1:7).

They saw a Man descending out of heaven (3 Ne 11:8). There came a cloud … [and Jesus] ascended into heaven (3 Ne 18:38–39).

The other name of the son, “Perfection or the End of Clay” is interesting. Christ did not say he was perfect until after his death and resurrection (Mt 5:48; 3 Ne 12:48). The Bible says “the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground” (Gen 2:7). King Benjamin said, “the Lord Omnipotent … shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay” (Mosiah 3:5). In “the resurrection … this mortal body is raised to an immortal body … that … can die no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus … becoming spiritual and immortal” (Al 11:45). Therefore, after the “end of clay” or the mortal body, Christ was the first to be resurrected and to be perfect or complete with an immortal body that can die no more.

The last name, “He who makes Lords,” will be discussed in the next entry.


“He who makes Lords”

The Cochimíes … made reference to a great lord … called … He who lives; … furthermore, there was another personage, He who makes Lords. (HLC 56–59)

The name, “He who makes Lords,” makes sense to Mormons but not to most Christians. The Jesuits who like other Catholics of the time used the Latin Bible instead of the Hebrew Bible. A common Bible name for the Creator (Gen. 2:4) is “LORD God” in English, and “Dominus Deus” (LORD God) in Latin. This name seems completely unrelated to “He who makes Lords.” The same name for God in the Hebrew Bible is “YHWH Elohim” (Jehovah Elohim). Hebrew was the language of the Jews and the Nephites (Morm. 9:33).

Elohim is plural and means Gods or gods. However, in the Bible it is translated as God when it refers to the God of Israel and gods when it refers to pagan gods.

YHWH is written without vowels. The vowels added in modern Hebrew Bibles are from the word adonai (Lord) to remind readers to say adonai instead of what was written. Christians used the word Jehovah based on these vowels, but usually translated it as LORD in the King James Bible. Scholars generally write Yahweh and agree that YHWH comes from the Hebrew word meaning “to come into existence, become, be,” but they differ as to the meaning. For many scholars, YHWH means the one who is, the existing, ever-living. However, many recent scholars believe it is the causative form which means: The one bringing into being, life-giver; giver of existence, creator; he who brings to pass, performer of promises. Examples of the causative meaning of YHWH include:

The LORD of Hosts (1 Sam 1:3): “he creates armies”

Jehovah-shalom (Jg 6:24): “he creates peace or well-being”

Jehovah-nissi (Ex 17:15): “he creates my refuge or standard”

Therefore, YHWH Elohim (LORD God) would mean: “he creates Gods,” “he will create Gods,” or “he who creates Gods.” The Cochimi name, He who makes Lords, reflects this Hebrew meaning.

  • The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
  • Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, 5:500–501, 515
  • William H. Brownlee, “The Ineffable Name of God,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (April 1977), 39–40.

Author of this paper:
  Monte F. Shelley, PhD
  Director, Research Technology Group
  Maxwell Institute of Religious Scholarship
  Brigham Young University

Travel to San Borja (Bountiful)

We decided to try to get to San Borja again, and hit it this time. Perhaps this is a potential site for Bountiful. We found walls, roads, a variety of fruit trees (including olives) as well as pottery shards. Again the vegetation was dense and interesting. A young man who works with INA (something like Instituto Nationale Anthopoligia—he is working on a dig at El Arco; Zach, I think this may be a good connection for us [his bosses at least]) walked us around indicating which things were Jesuit, Dominican, and pre-Jesuit. He maintains that many of the walls and roads were pre-Jesuit. There were cold springs and hot springs that were “cribbed” with rock and which I will attach pictures for with this email. (Kevin, my last email with images bounced back, so I don’t think you got them). I also took some video I can show at our next meeting.
Whether or not this is Bountiful, we certainly came away from what I now consider the most interesting site I have seen so far in the project. I took olive, pomegranate, grass, and bamboo samples for Rickmael. Kent, I think you would have had a heyday with this one! They are growing grapes, lemons, date and blue palms there as well. Lots of mounded earth and rock walls to inspect as well (One image I will include shows a section of wall that came down three weeks ago with an earthquake they had in the area). Water catchment systems that our young INA fellow thought were pre-Jesuit too . . . Zach, I think we need to get you there one way or another.

This is ATV country with super-washboardy roads that go inland 22 miles from the west (Mex #1 hwy-lots of room to park vehicles) or about 20 from the Bahia de los Angeles highway (not so much room to park vehicles). Linda actually found a pottery shard as we were walking and surrendered it to the young man. I’ll include images of those shards too. He had a piece of respaldo that looked like a cutting edge. He also had a large stone jug about 18 inches in height. He had made some others himself from the same kind of stone, but indicated this smaller jug was original to the area.

Anyway, you can see that we got excited about San Borja and think it is a worthwhile place to spend some time. Check out the pictures

Travel to San Ignacio (Zarahemla)

We went to the head of the lagoon where the irrigation canal begins and came back full circle into San Ignacio. We also went over to the west side where we climbed the big hill (and I was attacked by a cactus) back in November, but this time rode around San Lino (west side of town) and inspected the 3-foot high, 3-foot wide stone wall that is found on the west side of the river. (It looks like a long dark line on Google Earth, across the river from the Desert Inn where we stayed.) We took back roads from the west side all the way back to the Desert Inn again, crossing the river at the same spot that Kent, Otis Sr. and I did (after I had been half-baptized in Sidon!). It was very interesting to have covered so much ground with the ATV in a few hours in one day, but it gave me an appreciation of how much better we could get around using such vehicles.

We did not go further downstream before we decided to head back northward. Our brake problem that occurred last week meant that we skipped Bahia de los Angeles, so we decided to head back in that direction. Linda has been significantly traumatized by the narrow roads (not to mention my“inventive” driving), so we will not get over to Santa Rosalita or Loreto/San Javier this trip. However, I am determined to get their sometime in the next year . . .

Tomorrow we will get to Bahia and then down toward Bahia de Animus to look at a potential military outlook near the narrow neck. It was identified by the Erhle Stanley Gardner (the Perry Mason originator with a helicopter) group back in the 1960’s. Should be interesting.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blog Site Introduction

This blog exists to support and its "Approach to the Book of Mormon Mormon Geography" proposal. Monographs, articles, essays and scriptural insights related to this proposal will be posted to this blog.

All comments to this blog will be reviewed before they are made public. This is not to stifle criticism, but rather to ensure a high level of deportment in the communication.

Bibliography of Baja Materials held by Lee Library at BYU

Bibliography of Materials about Baja Californias
Held by the Lee Library of BYU
Produced Monday, October 17, 2011 at 11:50 AM

Personal Author: Heizer, Robert Fleming, 1915-
Title: Aboriginal navigation off the coasts of upper and Baja California / by Robert F. Heizer and William C. Massey.
Publication info: [Washington] : [U.S. G.P.O.], 1953.
Series: Anthropological papers / Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology ; no. 39
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)E 51 .U6 no.148-151

Personal Author: Lenz, Lee W.
Title: An annotated catalogue of the plants of the Cape Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico / Lee W. Lenz.
Publication info: Claremont, CA : Cape Press : Distributed by Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1992.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)QK 149 .L43 1992 1 BOOK CHECKEDOUT no circ

Personal Author: Tyson, Rose A.
Title: Anthropometric data pertaining to an atypical human skeleton from Northern Baja California / by Rose A. Tyson.
Publication info: San Diego, Calif. : San Diego Museum of Man, 1975.

Personal Author: Alvarado Bravo, Alfonso.
Title: Arqueologia en Baja California : estudio de patron de asentamiento de cazadores-recolectores-pescadores en el arroyo San Jose
de Gracia, Sierra de Guadalupe (Baja California Sur, Mexico) / Alfonso Alvarado Bravo.
Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : Ediciones Euroamericanas, c1999.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B33 A48x 1999 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Diaz, Marco.Title: Arquitectura en el desierto : misiones jesuitas en Baja California / Marco Diaz.
Publication info: Mexico : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1986.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)NA 5256 .B35 D5 1986 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Meadows, Don.
Title: Baja California, 1533-1950 : a biblio-history / by Don Meadows.
Publication info: Los Angeles : Glen Dawson, [1954],c1951.

Personal Author: Acuna Borbolla, Francisco Manuel, 1956-
Title: Baja California : la tierra del tiempo detenido / [Juan Angel Castillo, obra pictorica ; Fco. Manuel Acuna Borbolla, ensayo
preliminar y textos ; Cecilia Garicia Amaro, poesia ; traduccion al ingles, Karen Levy-Szpiro, Lourdes Leon].
Publication info: [Baja California, Mexico] : Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, [2007]

Title: Baja California : piedra de serpiente : prosa y poesia, siglos XVII-XX / estudio preliminar, seleccion y notas de Luis Cortes
Publication info: Xoco, Mexico, D.F. : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1993.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7291 .B352 B35 1993 vol.1 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
2)PQ 7291 .B352 B35 1993 vol.2 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Title: Baja California : textos de su historia / Miguel Mathes, compilador.
Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jose Maria Luis Mora, 1988.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1246 .B166 1988 v.[1-2] 1 BOOK LEE-LIB 2 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Hager, Anna Marie.
Title: Baja California travels series : General index, volumes 1-49 / by Anna Marie and Everett Gordon Hager ; compiled and edited
by Eligio Mois?s Coronado, introduction by W. Michael Mathes.
Publication info: Los Angeles : Dawson's Book Shop, 1991.

Personal Author: Taylor, Edgar Dorsey, 1904-
Title: Baja California woodcuts / with notes by the artist; introduction by Robert Hilton Simmons.
Publication info: Los Angeles : Plantin Press, 1969.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 2)Z 232 .P694 1969 no.2 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Title: Breve historia de Baja California / Marco Antonio Samaniego Lopez, coordinador.
Publication info: Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico : Universidad Autonoma de Baja California ; [Mexico, D.F. ] 2006.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1246 .B74x 2006 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
Personal Author: Massey, William C.

Title: A burial cave in Baja California : the Palmer collection, 1887 / by William C. Massey and Carolyn M. Osborne.
Publication info: [Berkeley : University of California Press ; London : Cambridge University Press, 1961]
Series Title: Anthropological records ; v. 16, no. 8
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)E 51 .A58 vol.16 no.8 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
2)E 51 .A58 vol.16 no.1-2,4,6-9 1 BOOK LEE-LIB Bound with other title(s)
Personal Author: Messmacher, Miguel.

Title: La busqueda del signo de dios : ocupacion jesuita de la Baja California / Miguel Messmacher.
Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1997.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1246 .M45x 1997 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Title: Cantos, cuentos y juegos indigenas de Baja California : compilacion / [las interpretaciones fueron realizadas por Gregorio
Guadalupe Montes Castaneda ... et al.].
Publication info: Mexicali : Sistema Educativa Estatal : Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, 2001.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1221 .K5 C36 2001 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
Personal Author: Massey, William C.

Title: The Castaldi collection from central and southern Baja California / William C. Massey.
Publication info: [Berkeley : University of California, Dept. of Anthropology, 1966]
Series Title: Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility ; no. 2
Personal Author: Rodriguez Tomp, Rosa Elba.

Title: Cautivos de dios : los cazadores-recolectores de Baja California durante el periodo colonial / Rosa Elba Rodriguez Tomp.Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : CIESAS : Instituto Nacional Indigenista, 2002.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 R63 2002 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
Personal Author: Crosby, Harry, 1926-

Title: The cave paintings of Baja California / written and illustrated by Harry W. Crosby and commissioned by Helen K. Copley.
Publication info: La Jolla, Calif. : Copley Books, c1984.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 C76 1984 1 BOOK CHECKEDOUT no circ
Personal Author: Aschmann, Homer, 1920-

Title: The Central Desert of Baja California; demography and ecology.
Publication info: Riverside, Calif. : Manessier Pub. Co., [1967]
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 A7 1967 1 BOOK CHECKEDOUT no circ

Personal Author: Mathes, W. Michael, comp.
Title: The conquistador in California: 1535; the voyage of Fernando Cortes to Baja California in chronicles and documents. Translated
and edited by W. Michael Mathes.
Publication info: Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1973.

Title: La controversia acerca de la politica de colonizacion en Baja California / [contribuciones de] Carlos Pacheco y Manuel Sanchez
Facio ; prologo, Paolo Riguzzi.
Publication info: Mexicali : SEP : Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, 1997.

Personal Author: Napoli, Ignacio Maria.Title: The Cora Indians of Baja California; the relacion of Ignacio Maria Napoli, September 20, 1721. Translated and edited by James
Robert Moriarty III and Benjamin F. Smith.
Publication info: Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1970.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 1)Z 232 .D138 1970 no.2 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Personal Author: Andara y Ubeda, M.
Title: Cuentos de Baja California / M. Andara y Ubeda.
Publication info: [Mexico : s.n., 1989] (Ensenada, B.C. : "Impresos Bahia")
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7298.1 .N393 C8x 1989 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Sandoval, Ruben, 1948-
Title: De la tradicion oral a la textualidad : Baja California Sur en el tiempo, la escritura y el documento 1885-1995 / Ruben Sandoval,
Leticia Garriga, Patricia Gorostieta.
Publication info: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico : Gobierno del Estado de Baja California Sur ; Instituto Sudcaliforniano de
Cultura ; Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2010.
Physical description: 460 pages ; 23 cm + 1 CD Rom (12 cm)

Personal Author: Trujillo Munoz, Gabriel, 1958-
Title: Diccionario biobibliografico de escritores de Baja California / Gabriel Trujillo Munoz.
Publication info: Tijuana, Baja California : Instituto Municipal de Arte y Cultura : Editorial Larva, 2000.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7291 .B35 T78x 2000 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Rio, Ignacio del.
Title: A la diestra mano de las Indias : descubrimiento y ocupacion de la Baja California / Ignacio del Rio.
Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, 1990.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1246 .R56 1990 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Johnson, Markes E.
Title: Discovering the geology of Baja California : six hikes on the southern gulf coast / Markes E. Johnson.
Publication info: Tucson, Ariz. : The University of Arizona Press, c2002.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)QE 203 .B34 J64 2002 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Tirsch, Ignacio, b. 1733.
Title: The drawings of Ignacio Tirsch, a Jesuit missionary in Baja California. Narrative by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr. Translation by Elsbeth
Publication info: Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1972.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 1)Z 232 .D138 1972 no.2 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Personal Author: Barco, Miguel del, 1706-1790.Title: Ethnology and linguistics of Baja California / by Miguel del Barco ; translated by Froylan Tiscareno
Publication info: Los Angeles : Dawson's Book Shop, 1981.

Title: Ethnology of the Baja California Indians / edited with an introduction by W. Michael Mathes.
Publication info: New York : Garland Pub., 1992.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 E84 1992 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Rodriguez-Sala, Maria Luisa.
Title: Exploraciones en Baja y Alta California, 1769-1775 : escenarios y personajes / Ma. Luisa Rodriguez-Sala ; colaboracion, Pedro
Lopez Gonzalez.
Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales ; Zapopan, Jalisco
[Mexico] : Amate Editorial, 2002.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 864 .R725 2002 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
Corporate Author: United States. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Title: Final environmental impact statement/environmental impact report and proposed land use plan amendment [electronic resource]
: North Baja pipeline expansion project / Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ; California State Lands Commission ; cooperating
agencies, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation.
URL: Note: CLICK HERE for online access.
Publication info: Washington, DC : Dept. of Energy, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, [2007]

Personal Author: Wiggins, Ira L. (Ira Loren), 1899-1987
Title: Flora of Baja California / Ira L. Wiggins.
Publication info: Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1980.

Personal Author: McLean, Hugh, 1939-
Title: The geology of west-central Baja California Sur, Mexico / by Hugh McLean, B.P. Hausback, and J.H. Knapp.
Publication info: Washington : U.S. GPO ; Alexandria, VA : For sale by the Distribution Branch, Text Products Section, U.S.
Geological Survey, 1987.

Personal Author: Gould, Frank W.
Title: The grasses of Baja California, Mexico / Frank W. Gould and Reid Moran.
Publication info: San Diego : San Diego Society of Natural History, 1981.
Series: Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History ; v. 12.

Personal Author: Martinez, Pablo L.
Title: Guia familiar de Baja California, 1700-1900 = Vital statistics of Lower California / Pablo L. Martinez.
Publication info: Mexico, D.F., Mexico : Editorial Baja California, 1965.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)CS 108 .B34 M37 1 BOOK UNAVAIL no circ
Personal Author: Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, 1731-1787.

Title: Historia de la Antigua ? Baja California [electronic resource] / obra postuma del padre Francisco Javier Clavijero ... ; tr. del
italiano por el presbitero Don Nicolas Garcia de San Vicente.
URL: Note: CLICK HERE for online access.
Publication info: Mejico : Impr. de J.R. Navarro, 1852.

Personal Author: Meighan, Clement W. (Clement Woodward), 1925-1997
Title: Indian art and history; the testimony of prehispanic rock paintings in Baja California [by] Clement W. Meighan.
Publication info: Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1969.

Personal Author: Des Lauriers, Matthew Richard, 1977-
Title: The island of fogs : archaeological and ethnohistorical investigations of Isla Cedros, Baja California
Publication info: Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c2010.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 D47 2010 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Title: Jesuit relations : Baja California, 1716-1762 / translated & edited with an introduction by Ernest J. Burrus.
Publication info: Los Angeles : Dawson's Book Shop, 1984.

Personal Author: Crosby, Harry, 1926-
Title: The King's Highway in Baja California; an adventure into the history and lore of a forgotten region.
Publication info: [La Jolla, Calif. : Copley Books, 1974]

Personal Author: Arnold, Brigham A. (Brigham Alicen), 1917-
Title: Late Pleistocene and recent changes in land forms, climate, and archaeology in central Baja California / Brigham A. Arnold.
Publication info: New York : Johnson Reprint Corp., 1968.
Series Title: University of California publications in geography ; v. 10, no. 4
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)G 58 .C3 vol.10 1968 1 BOOK LEE-LIB Bound with other title(s)

Personal Author: Vernon, Edward W., 1926-
Title: Las Misiones antiguas : the Spanish missions of Baja California, 1683-1855 / Edward W. Vernon.
Publication info: Santa Barbara, Calif. : Viejo Press, c2002.
Title: Misiones en la peninsula de Baja California / Jos?
Luis Aguilar Marco ... [et al.].
Publication info: Mexico, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Antropolog?a e Historia, 1991.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)NA 5256 .B35 M55x 1991 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Weber, Francis J.
Title: The missions & missionaries of Baja California : an historical perspective / by Francis J. Weber.
Publication info: Los Angeles : Dawson's Book Shop, 1968.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 1)Z 232 .D138 1968 no.3 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Title: Mixtecos en Baja California / [coordinacion, Elena Verdugo de Arostegui].
Publication info: [Mexicali, Baja California] : Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Direccion General de Extension
Universitaria, Museo Regional Universitario, c1988.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1221 .M7 M58x 1988 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Chaput, Donald.
Title: Modest fortunes : mining in northern Baja California / by Donald Chaput, William M. Mason, David Zarate Loperena.
Publication info: Los Angeles, Calif. : Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1992.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 1)Z 232 .P425 1992 no.2 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Title: The natural & human history of Baja California, from manuscripts by Jesuit Missionaries / translated & edited by Homer
Publication info: Los Angeles : Dawson's Book Shop, 1966.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 1)Z 232 .D138 1966 no.6 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Title: Ni muy tristona, ni muy tristona-- : testimonio de mujeres paipai y kumiai de Baja California / [entrevistadas por] Mario Alberto
Magana Mancillas ; testimonios, Francisca Ochoa Montano ... [et al.] ; prologo, Everardo Garduno Ruiz.
Publication info: Mexicali : Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, Programa de Apoyo a las Culturas Municipales y Comunitarias,
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1221 .A4 N5 2005 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Rio, Ignacio del.
Title: El noroeste del Mexico colonial : estudios historicos sobre Sonora, Sinaloa y Baja California / Ignacio del Rio
Publication info: Mexico : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2007.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1346 .R55x 2007 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Carvajal, Mario A. (Mario Alberto)
Title: Nuevas cronicas, leyendas y narraciones de Baja California / Mario A. Carvajal.
Publication info: Tijuana, B.C. : Catologo Ediciones, 2005-
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7291 .B352 C37x 2005 vol.1 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
2)PQ 7291 .B352 C37x 2005 vol.2 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
3)PQ 7291 .B352 C37x 2005 vol.3 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Pinera Ramirez, David.
Title: Ocupacion y uso del suelo en Baja California : de los grupos aborigenes a la urbanizacion dependiente
Publication info: Mexico : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico : Centro de Investigaciones Historicas UNAM-UABC, 1991.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)HD 329.B35 P55x 1991 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Jordan, Fernando.Title: El otro Mexico : biografia de Baja California / Fernando Jordan.
Publication info: Mexico : Biografias Gandesa, 1951.
Personal Author: Uriarte, Maria Teresa.

Title: Pintura rupestre en Baja California : algunos metodos para su apreciacion artistica / Maria Teresa Uriarte.
Publication info: Mexico : Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Departamento de Investigaciones Historicas, 1981.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 U75 1981 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Title: The prehistory of Baja California : advances in the archaeology of the forgotten peninsula / edited by Don Laylander and Jerry
D. Moore.
Publication info: Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c2006.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 P74 2006 1 BOOK CHECKEDOUT no circ
Personal Author: Beal, Carl H.

Title: Reconnaissance of the geology and oil possibilities of Baja California, Mexico / by Carl H. Beal.
Publication info: [New York] : Geological Society of America, 1948.
Personal Author: Grant, Campbell, 1909-

Title: Rock art of Baja California. With Notes on the pictographs of Baja California by Leon Diguet (1895), translated by Roxanne
Publication info: Los Angeles, Calif., Dawson's Book Shop, 1974.

Personal Author: Escorcega Ibarra, Eliseo.
Title: Romancero cachanilla : canciones, poemas y un lamento, festejando el primero centenario de Mexicali, Baja California,
1903-2003 : antologia / del profesor Eliseo Escorcega Ibrarra.
Publication info: Mexicali [Mexico] : E. Escorcega Ibarra, [2003]
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7298.415 .S23 R6x 2003 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Title: Seven rock art sites in Baja, California / by Clement W. Meighan ... [et al.] ; edited by Clement W. Meighan and V. L. Pontoni.
Publication info: Socorro, N.M. : Ballena Press, c1978.
Series Title: Ballena Press publications on North American rock art ; no. 2

Title: The Spanish missions of Baja California / edited with an introduction by Robert H. Jackson.
Publication info: New York : Garland Pub., 1991.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1219.1 .B3 S68 1991 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
Personal Author: Muranaka, Therese Adams.

Title: Spirit jumpers : the Russian Molokans of Baja California / Therese Adams Muranaka.
Publication info: San Diego, Calif. : San Diego Museum of Man, 1988.
Series Title: San Diego Museum of Man ethnic technology notes ; no. 21
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1392.R8 M87x 1988 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Berumen, Humberto F?lix, 1956-
Title: Texturas : ensayos y articulos sobre literatura de Baja California / Humberto Felix Berumen.
Publication info: Mexico : Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur : Plaza y Valdes, 2001.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7291 .B36 B47x 2001 1 BOOK LEE-LIB

Personal Author: Ochoa Zazueta, Jesus Angel.
Title: Toponimia de Baja California, Sonora y Sinaloa / Jesus Angel Ochoa Zazueta.
Publication info: Culiacon, Sin. : El Colegio de Sinaloa, 2001.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)F 1246.2 .O24x 2001 1 BOOK LEE-LIB
Personal Author: Ramos, Roberto.

Title: Tres documentos sobre el descubrimiento y exploracion de Baja California por Francisco Maria Piccolo, Juan de Ugarte y
Guillermo Stratford.
Publication info: Mexico, Editorial Jus, 1958.

Title: Voces internas : letras y expresion plastica de los internos de los centros de readaptacion en Baja California.
Publication info: Mexicali, Baja California : Gobierno del Estado de Baja California, Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, 2009.
LEE CALL NUMBER: 1)PQ 7291 .B352 V63x 2009

Personal Author: Linck, Wenceslaus, b. 1736.
Title: Wenceslaus Linck's diary of his 1766 expedition to northern Baja California / translated into English, edited and annotated by
Ernest J. Burrus.
Publication info: Los Angeles : Dawson's Book Shop, 1966.
SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER: 1)Z 232 .D138 1966 no.4 1 NON-CIRC RARE

Historical outline of Lower California
San Francisco: H. Payot, 1862
De la colonizacion de la Baja California: y decreto de 10 de marzo de 1857
Lassépas, Ulises Urbano
Mexico: Impr. de V. Garcia Torres, YALE 1367239 15389698 14018159, 1859

Historical outline of Lower California
Leese, Jacob P
New York: E.S. Dodge & Co., 1865

Six months in the gold mines, from a journal of three years' residence in Upper and Lower California. 1847-8-9
Buffum, E. Gould
Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1850
Moeurs, lois et costumes de la Californie
Grasset De Saint-sauveur, Jacques
Paris, 1796

Personal adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9, with the author's experience at the mines. Illustrated by twenty-three
drawings ..
Ryan, William Redmond
London: W. Shoberl, 1850

Historia cristiana de la California
Mexigo !: Impenta ! de P. Murguia, 1864
Historia del Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa y ambas Californias : que con el titulo de "Apostólicos afanes de la Compañia de Jesus, en la

America Septentrional" se publicó anónima en Barcelona el año de 1754
Ortega, José de, 1700-1768.
México: Tipografía de E. Abadiano, 1887, ix, 564, vi p.; 20 cm.

Kino's historical memoir of Pimería Alta : a contemporary account of the beginnings of California, Sonora, and Arizona
Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
Berkeley Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1948, 2 v. in 1: ill., maps (1 fold.), plan, facsim.; 23 cm.

The Indian uprising in Lower California, 1734-1737
Taraval, Sigismundo, 1700-1763.
Los Angeles: The Quivira Society, 1931, xii, 298 p., 9 leaves of plates: ill., double maps, facsims.; 26 cm.

The Dominican mission frontier of Lower California
Meigs, Peveril, 1903-
Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1935, vi, 231 p.: ill., maps (1 fold.); 27 cm.

Historia de los descubrimientos y colonización de los padres de la Compañía de Jesús en la Baja California,
Bayle, Constantino.
Madrid, V. Suárez, 1933, 230 p., 1 l. 25 cm.

Tres documentos sobre el descubrimiento y exploración de Baja California por Francisco María Piccolo, Juan de Ugarte y Guillermo
Ramos, Roberto.
México, Editorial Jus, 1958, x, 67 p. 24 cm.

Bibliografía sumaria de la Baja California,
Díaz Mercado, Joaquín.
México: D.A.P.P., 1937, 179 p.; 23 cm.

Historia del territorio sur de la Baja California (1535-1951)
Torre Iglesias, Manuel.
México, El Nacional, 1956, 95 p. ports., maps. 27 cm.

Baja California : reseña histórico-geográfica, su historia, recursos, posibilidades y facultades, bellezas naturales, atracciones para el
turismo, sus admirables bahías y puertos naturales, rehabilitación de la península, ciudades principales, su potencialidad económica.
Meza León, Carlos.
México: D. A. P. P., 1937, 39 p.; 23 cm.

Baja California, 1533-1950 : a biblio-history
Meadows, Don.
Los Angeles: Glen Dawson, 1954, 32, [1] p.: map; 19 cm.

Historia del Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa y ambas Californias : que con el titulo de "Apostólicos afanes de la Compañia de Jesus, en la
America Septentrional" se publicó anónima en Barcelona el año de 1754
Ortega, José de, 1700-1768.
México: Tipografía de E. Abadiano, 1887, ix, 564, vi p.; 20 cm.

Kino writes to the Duchess : letters of Eusebio Francisco Kino, S.J., to the Duchess of Aveiro; an annotated English translation, and
the text of the non-Spanish documents
Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.

Rome: Jesuit Historical Institute St. Louis: St. Louis University, 1965, xii, 290 p.: 2 fold. maps, 3 ports.; 25 cm.
The Dominican mission frontier of Lower California
Meigs, Peveril, 1903-
Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1935, vi, 231 p.: ill., maps (1 fold.); 27 cm.

The physical characteristics of the aboriginal La Jollan population of Southern California
Rogers, Spencer Lee, 1905-
San Diego, Calif.: San Diego Museum of Man, 1963, 32 p.: ill.; 27 cm.

The pearl hunters in the Gulf of California, 1668 : summary report of the voyage made to the Californias by Francisco de Lucenilla
Cavallero Carranco, Juan.
Los Angeles, CA: Dawson's Book Shop, 1966, 91 p.: maps (1 fold.); 23 cm.
Baja California woodcuts
Taylor, Edgar Dorsey, 1904-
Los Angeles: Plantin Press, 1969, xvi, 50 (i.e. 100) p.: ill.; 20 x 23 cm.

Informe on the new province of California, 1702
Picolo, Francesco Maria, 1658-1729.
Los Angeles, CA: Dawson's Book Shop, 1967, 77 p.: facsim.; 23 cm. + 1 folded map in back pocket.

Selected letters about Lower California.
Salvatierra, Juan María de, 1648-1717.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1971, 279 p. facsims., port.; 23 cm.
Jesuit relations : Baja California, 1716-1762
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1984, 284 p., [1] leaf of plates (map, folded); 22 cm.

Ethnology and linguistics of Baja California
Barco, Miguel del, 1706-1790.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1981, 112 p., [1] leaf: ill., maps; 22 cm.

The missions& missionaries of Baja California : an historical perspective
Weber, Francis J.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1968, 92 p.: col. ill., map (folded in pocket); 23 cm.

Manual de estadísticas básicas del Estado de Baja California
México, D.F.: La Coordinación, 1982, 2 v.; 21 x 28 cm.

Rock art of Baja California. With Notes on the pictographs of Baja California
Grant, Campbell, 1909-
Los Angeles, Calif., Dawson's Book Shop, 1974, 146 p. illus., maps, col. plates. 23 cm.

Indian art and history; the testimony of prehispanic rock paintings in Baja California
Meighan, Clement W. (Clement Woodward), 1925-1997
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1969, 79 p. illus. (part col.), map, col. plates. 23 cm.

The Cora Indians of Baja California; the relacion of Ignacio Maria Napoli, September 20, 1721.
Nápoli, Ignacio María.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1970, 76 p. illus., facsims., maps. 23 cm.

Baja California: Jewish refuge and homeland,
Stern, Norton B.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1973, 69 p. illus.
23 cm.

Pintura rupestre en Baja California : algunos métodos para su apreciación artística
Uriarte, María Teresa.

México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Departamento de Investigaciones Históricas, 1981, 160 p., [4] pages of plates:
ill. (some col.), maps; 27 cm.

Voyages of Francisco De Ortega: California, 1632-1636.
León Portilla, Miguel.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1973, 75 p. illus.
22 cm.

Clemente Guillén, explorer of the South : diaries of the overland expeditions to Bahía Magdalena and La Paz, 1719, 1720-1721
Guillén, Clemente, 1677-1748.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1979, 99 p., [1] fold. leaf of plates: map; 22 cm.

Obras californianas del padre Miguel Venegas, S.J.
Venegas, Miguel, 1680-1764.
La Paz Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, 1979, 5 v.: maps; 27 cm.

The drawings of Ignacio Tirsch, a Jesuit missionary in Baja California.
Tirsch, Ignacio, b. 1733.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1972, 125 p. (chiefly plates, part col.) 23 cm.

Geographic and hydrographic descriptions of many northern and southern lands and seas in the Indies, specifically of the discovery of
the kingdom of California (1632)
Cardona, Nicolás de.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1974, 111 p.: ill.; 23 cm.

The extent and significance of disease among the Indians of Baja California, 1697-1773
Cook, Sherburne Friend
Berkeley, Calif.: University of California press, 1937

Ducrue's account of the expulsion of the Jesuits from Lower California (1767-1769). An annotated English translation of Benno
Ducrue's Relatio expulsionis,
Ducrue, Benno Franciscus, 1721-1779.
Rome, Jesuit Historical Institute St. Louis, Mo., St. Louis University, 1967, vii, 212 p. facsims., plates. 25 cm.

Yuman and Yaqui music
Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1932, xviii, 216 p., 31 p. of plates: ill.; 24 cm.

The history of Lower California
Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, 1731-1787.
Riverside, Calif.: Manessier Pub. Co., 1971, liii, 413 p.: ill.; 24 cm.

The capture of the Santa Ana, Cabo San Lucas, November, 1587. The accounts of Francis Pretty, Antonio de Sierra, and Tomás de
Mathes, W. Michael, comp.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1969, 59 p. illus., fold. map, ports. 23 cm.

Travelers among the Cucapá / Anita Alvarez de Williams.
Williams, Anita Alvarez de.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1975, 161 p.: ill., maps (on lining papers); 23 cm.

English privateers at Cabo San Lucas : the descriptive accounts of Puerto Seguro
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1979, 116 p.: ill.; 22 cm.
Querétaro en la conquista de las Californias.
Domínguez Paulín, Arturo.
México, 1966, 190 p. illus., coat of arms, facsim., maps, ports. 23 cm.

The 1847 crossing of Imperial County California and Baja California Mexico by the U.S. Mormon Battalion.
Farris, William M.
El Centro, Cal.: Imperial Valley College Museum Society, 1976, ii, 23 p.: illus.,maps; 28 cm.

Kaigai ibun = A strange tale from overseas, or, A new account of America
Maekawa, Bunzo.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1970, 143 p.: ill. (part col.), col. map; 23 cm.

The letters of Jacob Baegert, 1749-1761, Jesuit missionary in Baja California ; translated by Elsbeth Schulz-Bischof ; introduced and
edited by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr.
Baegert, Jacob, 1717-1772.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1982, 236, [2] p.: ill., facsims., map; 22 cm.

Mixtecos en Baja California
Mexicali, Baja California: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Dirección General de Extensión Universitaria, Museo Regional
Universitario, 1988, [24] p.: ill.; 18 x 25 cm.

Recuento de un encuentro-- : 500 años después : antología.
Ensenada, B.C.: Grupo Cultural Mar de Fondo Mexicali, B.C.: Instituto de Cultura de Baja California Tijuana, B.C.: Diario 29, 1992,
119 p.; 21 cm.

Escritos y escritores de temas sudcalifornianos
Ibarra Rivera, Gilberto.
La Paz, B.C.S.: Gobierno del Estado de Baja California Sur, Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1998, 419 p.; 21 cm.

Hernán Cortés y la mar del Sur
León Portilla, Miguel.
Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, 1985, 200 p., [10] leaves of plates (some folded):
maps (some col.); 23 cm.

Misiones en la peninsula de Baja California
Mexico, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1991, 327 p.: ill., maps (some folded); 27 cm.

The Spanish missions of Baja California
New York: Garland Pub., 1991, xvi, 388 p., [1] folded leaf of plates: ill., maps; 24 cm.

Ethnology of the Baja California Indians
New York: Garland Pub., 1992, xxviii, 510 p.: ill.; 24 cm.

Chomolungma : cuento
Mexicali, B.C.: Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, 1991, 76 p.; 20 cm.

Arquitectura en el desierto : misiones jesuitas en Baja California
Díaz, Marco.
México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1986, 159 p., [41] p. of plates: ill.; 23 cm.

Xantus : the letters of John Xántus to Spencer Fullerton Baird from San Francisco and Cabo San Lucas, 1859-1861
Xántus, János, 1825-1894.
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1986, 422 p.: ill.; 22 cm.

A desert country near the sea : a natural history of the Cape region of Baja California
Zwinger, Ann.
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1987, xxvii, 399 p.: ill.; 22 cm.

Bitácora de viaje de Fortúm Ximénez : descubridor y conquistador de la Isla de la California
Ximénez, Fortúm.
Mexicali, B.C.: Departamento Editorial del Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, 1993, 29 sheets; 23 cm.

Breve historia del estado de Baja California
Aguirre Bernal, Celso.
México, D.F.: Ediciones Quinto Sol, 1987, 206 p.: ill., maps, ports; 23 cm.

Leyenda negra y otros relatos
Vasconcelos, José Luis.
Tijuana, B.C.: 14 Ayuntamiento, 1994, 55 p.; 23 cm.

Betancourt, Ramón.
Tijuana, B.C.: XIV Ayuntamiento, 1995, 64 p.; 22 cm.

Familia : migration and adaptation in Baja and Alta California, 1800-1975
Alvarez, Robert R.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987, xv, 213 p.: ill., ports.; 22 cm.

Cartografía y crónicas de la antigua California
León Portilla, Miguel.
Coyoacán, D.F.: Fundación Investigacioens Sociales, 1989, x, 207 p.: maps (some col., folded); 35 cm.

En broma y en serio : anecdotario sudcaliforniano
Ojeda Castro, Felipe.
La Paz, Baja California Sur: s.n., 1988, 59 p.: ill.; 28 cm.

Narradores bajacalifornianos del siglo XX
Berumen, Humberto Félix, 1956-
Baja California, México: Fondo Editorial de Baja California, 2001, 241 p.; 22 cm.

Sudcalifornia : leyenda, historia y mañana
Santana, Uriel, 1950-
Mexico: s.n., 1992, 60 p.: ill.; 21 cm.

Cuentos, mitos y mitotes : (para chicos y grandotes)
Rea, Juan Carlos.
Mexicali, Baja California: Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, 1995, 77 p.; 21 cm.

Edición crítica de la Vida del V.P. Juan María de Salvatierra,
Doria, Cesare Filippo, 1688-1750.
México, D.F.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Coordinación Nacional de Descentralización, 1997, 258 p., XVI p. of
plates: facsims.; 24 cm.

Fotografías del Nayar y de California, 1893-1900
Diguet, Léon, 1859-1926.
México: Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos de la Embajada de Francia en México: Instituto Nacional Indigenista,
1991, 100 p.: chiefly ill.; 22 cm.

Familia : migration and adaptation in Baja and Alta California, 1800-1975
Alvarez, Robert R.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987, xv, 213 p.: ill., ports.; 22 cm.

Cartografía y crónicas de la antigua California
León Portilla, Miguel.
Coyoacán, D.F.: Fundación Investigacioens Sociales, 1989, x, 207 p.: maps (some col., folded); 35 cm.

La antigua California prehispánica : la vida costera en El Conchalito
Rosales-López, Alfonso.
México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2000, 172 p., [2] folded leaves of plates: ill.; 26 cm.

Entre la magia y la historia : tradiciones, mitos y leyendas de la frontera
Tijuana, B.C., México: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés, 2000, 372 p.: ill.; 24 cm.

Leyendas y Relatos bajacalifornianos
Tijuana: Ediciones ILCSA, 2002, 142 p.: ill.; 21 cm.

Don Crispín, una crónica fronteriza : memoria y diálogos de don Crispín Valle Castañeda
Espinoza Valle, Víctor Alejandro, 1958-
Tijuana, Baja California, México: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 1990, 166 p.: ill.,; 23 cm.

Arqueología en Baja California : estudio de patrón de asentamiento de cazadores-recolectores-pescadores en el arroyo San José de
Gracia, Sierra de Guadalupe (Baja California Sur, México)
Alvarado Bravo, Alfonso.
México, D.F.: Ediciones Euroamericanas, 1999, 101 p.: ill., map; 23 cm.

La California mexicana : ensayos acerca de su historia
México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Mexicali, B.C.: Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 2000, 308 p.: ill., maps (some folded); 23 cm.

Toponimia de Baja California, Sonora y Sinaloa
Ochoa Zazueta, Jesús Angel.
Culiacán, Sin.: El Colegio de Sinaloa, 2001, 48 p.; 21 cm.

Diccionario biobibliográfico de escritores de Baja California : siglo XVI-siglo XXI
Trujillo Muñoz, Gabriel, 1958-
Tijuana, Baja California: Instituto Municipal de Arte y Cultura: Editorial Larva, 2000, 84 p.; 22 cm.

Some Observations on the Ethnography and Archaeology of the American Aborigines
Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851
Release Date: 2009-06-24

De la tradición oral a la textualidad : Baja California Sur en el tiempo, la escritura y el documento 1885-1995
Sandoval, Rubén, 1948-
La Paz, Baja California Sur, México: Gobierno del Estado de Baja California Sur Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura Consejo
Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2010, 460 pages; 23 cm + 1 CD Rom (12 cm).

Leyendas y Relatos bajacalifornianos
Tijuana: Ediciones ILCSA, 2002, 142 p.: ill.; 21 cm.
Exploraciones en Baja y Alta California, 1769-1775 : escenarios y personajes
Rodríguez-Sala, María Luisa.
México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico: Amate
Editorial, 2002, 318 p.: col. maps (some folded); 22 cm.

La Bajacaliforniada : antología de textos literarios publicados por la UABC, 1957-2006
Mexicali: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California México: Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2006, 460 p.; 23 cm.
Tijuana-Mesopotamia : crónicas y otros latidos
Hernández Díaz, Octavio.
Tijuana, B.C.: XVI Ayuntamiento de Tijuana, IMAC, 2000, 138 p.: ill.; 22 cm.

The island of fogs : archaeological and ethnohistorical investigations of Isla Cedros, Baja California
Des Lauriers, Matthew Richard, 1977-
Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2010, xxvi, 221 p.: ill., maps; 27 cm.

Nuevas crónicas, leyendas y narraciones de Baja California
Carvajal, Mario A. (Mario Alberto)
Tijuana, B.C.: Catálogo Ediciones, 2005, v.: ill.; 22 cm.

Territorio, sociedad y frontera : estudios históricos sobre Baja California
Tijuana, B.C.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Centro Cultural Tijuana, 2011, 186 p.: ill., maps; 22 cm.

Salida para los quiquimas de la California.
Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
México: Biblioteca de Historiadoares Mexicanos, 1954, 52 p.; 21 cm.

Exposicion astronomica de el cometa, que el año de 1680 por los meses de noviembre, y diziembre, y este año de 1681, por los meses
de enero y febrero, se ha visto en todo el mundo, y le ha observado en la ciudad de Cadiz
Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
Mexico: Por F. Rodriguez Lupercio, 1681, [9], 28 leaves [1] folded leaf of plates: ill.; 21 cm.

Kino's historical memoir of Pimería Alta : a contemporary account of the beginnings of California, Sonora, and Arizona
Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
Berkeley Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1948, 2 v. in 1: ill., maps (1 fold.), plan, facsim.; 23 cm.

Correspondencia del P. Kino con los generales de la Companía de Jesús, 1682-1707.Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
México: Editorial Jus, 1961, 95 p.: ill., maps; 23 cm.

First from the gulf to the Pacific; the diary of the Kino-Atondo peninsular expedition, December 14, 1684-January 13, 1685.Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1969, 60 p. illus., map. 23 cm.

Las misiones de Sonora y Arizona. Comprendiendo: la crónica titulada: "Favores celestiales" y la "Relación diaria de la entrada al
Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711.
México, Editorial "Cultura", 1913, lxxix, 413 p., 1 l. incl. facsim.
24 cm.