Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Map of the Distribution of Uto-Aztecan Languages

The map is from a hand-out of Brian Stubbs given out at a seminar at Brigham Young University in 2010.

The Abbreviations of the Uto-Aztecan Languages (used in the above map)
Western Numic (WNum)
Mn (Mono)
NP (Northern Piute
Hp and Tb are each a branch
Hp (Hopi)
Tb (Tubatulabal)
Corachol (CrC)
Cr (Cora)
Wc (Huichol)
Central Numic (CNum)
TSh (Tümpisha Shoshone)
Sh (Shoshoni)
Cm (Comanche)
Takic (Tak)
Sr (Serrano – Takic)
Ls (Luiseño – Takic)
Cp (Cupeño – Takic)
Ca (Cahuilla – Takic)
Ktn (Kitanemuk – Takic)
Tara Cahitan (TrC)
Tbr (Tubar)
Yq (Yaqui)
AYq (Arizona Yaqui)
My (Mayo)
Wr (Guarijio)
Tr (Tarahumara(
WTr (Westrn Tarahumara)
Eu (Eudeve)
Op (Opata)
Southern Numic (SNum)
Kw (Kawaiisu)
Ch (Chemehuevi)
SP (Southern Paiute)
WMU (White Mesa Ute)
CU (Colorado Ute)
NU (Northern Ute)
Tepiman (Tep)
PYp (Yepáchic Pima)
TO (Tohono O’odham)
PB (Pima Bajo)
NT (Northern Tepehuan)
ST (Southern Tepehuan)
Aztecan (Azt)
CN (Classical Nahuatl)
Pl (Pipil)

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